PLC Controlled Automatic Yield Panel

PLC Controlled Automatic Yield Panel

• All production-related information can be easily accessed when desired.
• The flow rate of the input wheat and the proportional (%) values ​​of all products output can be monitored on the screen.
• All data can be read as kg/hour, ton/day or proportional (%).
• It can run on all programs running under Windows. A large number of efficiency scales (up to 28) can be connected to the system.
• Information about the status of the factory can be followed by directly accessing the system from anywhere with internet access.
• Instant, hourly, shift-based, weekly and monthly production reports can be received.

  • The efficiency scale precisely measures the flow rate of the incoming product in kg/hour (0.3%) by stabilizing the shaking at the time of unloading the goods with 3 load cells. Efficiency scale; wheat, flour, bran, etc. It is used to weigh products. It ensures that capacity and efficiency values ​​are constantly kept under control in flour factories. The function of the efficiency scale begins with the controlled filling of the fluid product into the pan inside the efficiency scale by opening the valve at the top. The weighing process is carried out by loadcells located at three points of the pan to adjust the stabilization time inside the efficiency scale. When the desired amount is reached, the upper valve closes. The filling function has been completed and the covers under the pan are opened and the weighed fluid is introduced into the line.
  • The valves that allow the product to be weighed to enter the bunker and the bunker covers that allow it to be discharged from the bunker to the system work with a pneumatic system on rolling bearings. There are covers on the weighing section and on the sides of the upper bunker sections for cleaning the efficiency scale. In addition to being large enough for cleaning and maintenance, these covers are equipped with gaskets to ensure the necessary sealing when closed. Reports can be obtained in hourly, 8-hour, daily, weekly, monthly and annual periods. In case of malfunction, remote access can be provided via the internet and the malfunction can be intervened.
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