Machinery and Facility Automation Applications

Machinery and Facility Automation Applications

In our machine and facility automation solutions, the entire system is controlled via the operator panel or computerized system, and the malfunctions and productions are recorded retrospectively.
It provides convenience to the user in many aspects such as recording as a device and providing quick troubleshooting.

Our solutions on this issue are generally; Designing the automation and electrical system of the machines. IPC, PLC, IO and SCADA software, motion control, PTP and NCI. Programming, servo motor and driver applications. Modernization of low-efficiency operating machines with advanced technological systems and sensors. Optimization of process energy performance. Control and protection of engines. Perception of objects, shapes and colors. Control of pressure and movement on the load. Safety of operators and safe stopping of machines. Control of automation devices; monitoring and transmission of the obtained data. Packaging & packaging applications. Mechanical handling applications. Pump applications. Stepper motors, drivers and stepper motor control units. Control of servo motors.
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