Automatic Water Unit with Programmable Digital Display

Automatic Water Unit with Programmable Digital Display

In order to bring the product to the desired humidity, the targeted humidity rate is determined according to the flow rate of the wheat, the amount of water it will automatically receive is programmed in the PLC and water is automatically delivered. Water is controlled automatically thanks to the servo valve.
The flow rate of passing water is measured with an accuracy of 0.5%. There is a flowmeter on the panel, so the total amount of water passed in Liters/Liters is seen and recorded in the computer archive. These values ​​can be reported as day, month or year at any time.

In order to bring the product to the desired humidity, the targeted humidity rate is determined according to the flow rate of the wheat, the amount of water it will automatically receive is programmed in the PLC and water is automatically delivered. Water is controlled automatically thanks to the servo valve. The flow rate of the passing water is measured with an accuracy of 0.5%. There is a flowmeter on the panel, so the total amount of water passed in Liters/Liters is seen and recorded in the computer archive. These values ​​can be reported as day, month or year at any time.
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